I love all the different ways that God can speak. I love the adventure of hearing His voice and the absolute exhilaration that comes when I sense I have heard from Him. I love the mystery that surrounds hearing Him, and the joy of discovery that awaits us each time He leaves a message in hope that we will find and understand it.
Recently I have observed something unusual that has me taking notice and asking Father, 'What are you saying?' About 3 months ago on a Monday night I drove to our church to help with the Healing Rooms. As I walked up on the front porch of the church, I noticed a beautiful rainbow in the northern sky, and then gasped as I saw that it was actually a double rainbow! I had never seen a double rainbow before or talked with anyone who had. I took a picture with my cell phone and after that, I really didn't think much about it again.
A few weeks passed and then the unusual began to happen. Over and over again, I began to see or hear of other double rainbow sightings. One with some friends on a trip in the UK, another with a friend in New Braunfels, another was spotted in the Leander sky the night that the 90 days of continual worship ended at the HOTHOP, another friend who recently moved to Austin from California saw 6 double rainbows on her trip here. Then, just this evening at a party, a friend casually showed me a picture on her cell phone. You guessed it....a double rainbow! Scrolling through Facebook after I got home from the party, I see another friend has just posted an entirely different photo of yet another double rainbow. I've learned that when I began to hear or see the same message repeatedly, God is usually up to something and I should lean in an listen.
The obvious message is that rainbows speak of promise and covenant. It stands to reason then that double rainbows speak of double promise and double covenant. In a season when all around us is shaking and uncertainty shouts at us from every front, I believe God is heralding to us the message that He has not forgotten His people and He has not forgotten His promises. But more than that, what I'm hearing is that the double rainbow speaks of an Ephesians 3:20 kind of promise, where Paul says, "Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.....".
For our region here in Central Texas, we have had many promises and prophetic words given in the last few years of revival and an unprecedented outpouring of His Spirit. I believe we are already in the early stages of the fulfillment of those promises. So many that I know or meet are like myself, pregnant with promise, and it is as if we are all waiting for the birthing of this thing that God is about to do.
I'm smiling as I write this because I know that God has really good things ahead for us. Powerful things. Amazing things. We're entering a season of double blessing and double promise, a season where God honors the covenant He has made with His beloved, a season of promises fulfilled.
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:13
Amen, bow howdy and yeehah! The ride has been amazing so far, and it's about to get even better.