Saturday, August 8, 2015

Crossing Into Promises

It's been a crazy season of preparing to cross over into promises. For many, the opposition has been intense as the enemy has pulled out his arsenal of smoke and mirrors, lies, intimidation and deception. It has definitely been a time to hold on with all your might to the things that God has spoken.
                                                                                                                                            Back in February,  I posted a prophetic blog called, "It's Moving Day" where I talked about the Children of Israel, and God's word to them to "get their supplies ready"(Josh. 1:11) since they would be crossing the Jordan to take possession of the land God was giving them.

Like the children of Israel, we've had to pack for several trips lately. And, I'll be honest. I really don't like packing. But, I really like getting away for vacation or rest, and the packing or "getting my supplies ready" is a necessary part of the preparation. It's really the same way with stepping into our promised land. God usually gives us assignments or ways we are to be preparing for the move into our destiny. It takes faith to do those assignments, because, I can guarantee you the enemy will be shouting in your ear that you are wasting your time.

It's important to understand that our preparation is actually the first steps of the journey. If you don't take those steps, you won't be boarding the plane. Or even worse, you might step into something without the necessary equipment you need to be successful once you arrive. Choosing to focus on preparing for a journey when you don't know where you are going requires faith.

It took me a while to figure it out, but God LOVES faith! He actually sets us up to be able to choose to respond in faith. Sometimes, when my circumstances look bleak and I still choose to respond in faith, I can feel His delight and pleasure. You see, He knows that nothing brings satan more pleasure than tripping up the sons and daughters of God, and causing them to falter, fall or doubt. When we respond in faith in spite of the roadblocks satan puts in our way,  I think God is an extremely proud Father who is blessed by our belief and trust in Him.  

More than once, during a particularly dark time, He has whispered the words to me, "Blessed are those who have not seen, but yet believe."(Jn. 20:29) Jesus was speaking to Thomas in this scripture. Poor Thomas. He went down in all of history as 'the doubter', or the one who had to see and feel the nail scars in Jesus' hands, before he would believe. But, haven't all of us at one time or another been like Thomas, where we had to see it to believe it? Jesus' response to Thomas was not condemning, but revealed again what delights His

There is a reason that God told the Israelites as they were preparing to cross over into their promised land, to not let the Book of the Law depart from their mouths, and that they were to meditate on it day and night. Our greatest asset in the battle over our faith, other than His very Presence, is His word in our mouths and in our minds.

Have you ever noticed it's impossible to focus on two things at the same time? If we are focused on what God is saying, then we can't focus on what the enemy is saying. Choosing to speak forth His word takes it a step past meditation, where we are actually coming into agreement with what He has said and aligning our spirit, soul, and body with the Holy Spirit. There is power in this type of  agreement.

I love taking walks in the evening. I enjoy praying out loud while I walk, and since it's dark except for the gentle light from the streetlights, my neighbors don't have to wonder if I'm crazy. To the casual observer it may look like I'm just getting some exercise. But, it's become lots more than that for me. For the past six months, it's become my time of declaring and coming into agreement with what I hear Him saying over my life and the life of my church body. This has been one of my assignments for this season. I've come to relish those times, and I've noticed that a definite strengthening takes place each time. My body may come home from the walk a bit more tired, but I find my spirit and soul are soaring and encouraged, and best of all, my faith level has risen.

I haven't received all of my promises yet, so faith is required to declare the things that are not, as though they were. I don't want to be like the Israelites who chose to grumble, complain and focus on all the impossibilities instead of believing God. Scripture tells us that the thing that kept them out of their promised land was unbelief.

I believe we're in a season of crossing over into promises, and the grace is available to cover and assist us all in the move if we will lean into His goodness, and choose to believe He is who He says He is. If you haven't been preparing for the move, it isn't too late. Ask Him to identify the promises over your life and what you can do to prepare to step into them. Place your hand in His and get ready for the journey of a lifetime.

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